Dana Skaggs

Boundaries and Social Media

Does navigating your social media cause anxiety, aggravation, and confusion?  This episode may help you set some healthier boundaries. Check out this episode!

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Surviving Gaslighters and Manipulators

Are you in a maddening relationship you dream of escaping?  Do you frequently second-guess yourself and feel that you may be going crazy?  This episode may help you find your way back to peace and emotional safety.       Charlene Dargay quote from www.Quora.com re gaslighting www.verywellmind.com 11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting from www.psychologytoday.com Check…

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People-Pleasing and the Sticky Rope

Are you caught in a trap of needing to please others to gain acceptance and approval?  This episode may liberate you from that cycle by helping you set healthier boundaries.     Dolly Parton quote The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Check out this episode!

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When Your Loved One Is Mentally Ill

Do you feel lost in how to interact with a mentally ill loved one?  This episode may give you insight, understanding, and coping skills as you navigate that relationship.   Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend When to Walk Away – Finding Freedom From Toxic People by Gary Thomas Check out this episode!

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What Is This “God” Thing, Anyway?

Have you ever felt cynical about religion, irritated with church-goers, or confused about faith?  In this episode, the podcaster shares her experience.   Life Issues, Randy Pope, 1994 Check out this episode!

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The Intra-Family Feud

Have you ever considered trying something new only to be undermined at every step by nagging, critical voices in your mind?  This episode may help you learn about your mental “family” and how to manage them more effectively. Check out this episode!

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Pink Elephants In the Room – the High Cost of Avoidance

Are you burdened by issues you can’t or won’t face?  Have you been avoiding your own feelings?  This episode may help you understand the high cost of avoidance. Check out this episode!

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My Anxiety Is Eating Me Alive!

Are you caught in a web of “What Ifs?”  Then this episode may help you detach from needless fear and anxiety. Check out this episode!

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Weathering the Storm: Resiliency, Grit, and Antifragility

How to manage stress and become stronger in the process.   The Seed Who Was Afraid to Be Planted by Anthony DeStefano www.fosteringresilience.com “Grit” coined by Angela Duckworth “Antifragility” – Nassim Taleb Friedrich Nietzche quote Check out this episode!

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Getting Pulled Into the Past: Our Shame Response and the Impact of Unprocessed Trauma

This episode focuses on the power of unprocessed trauma to pull us into the past via triggers which hijack our emotional reactions. Check out this episode!

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