Dana Skaggs

Finding Yourself: Ascension From Childhood Dysfunction

Do you feel tethered to childhood dysfunctional dynamics?  Would you like to know who you are without all that baggage?  Listen as Lolita Guarin explains how she finally found herself and set liberating boundaries so she could strengthen and grow. https://beamazingyou.com Lolita’s book on Stress Management for ACOA Lolita’s book on work stress Check out…

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My Life: The Rewrite!

Is your life script in desperate need of a rewrite?  Are you frustrated and irritated with all your life’s narratives that seem to keep you in bondage?  LIsten as Deanna Moffitt explains how liberation, peace, and strength can be yours by challenging your life “stories.” https://deannamoffitt.com Home Check out this episode!

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I Get To Be Me! The Freedom of Inclusion

Do you view your diagnoses as disabilities?  Learn how to experience your unique qualities as assets designed to help you thrive!  Katherine McCord discusses how neurodiversities should be not only accepted but embraced! https://kmccordspeaking.com https://jointheneuroverse.org Check out this episode!

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From Drug Dealer to “Good” Man: The Transformation

Nico Lagan shares his transformational journey from being an addict and drug dealer with no healthy male role models to living a life of faith while being a fearless champion of strong men.  He addresses toxic masculinity and what traits make a “good” man and why. https://nicolagan.com Check out this episode!

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From the Edge of Suicide to the Grace of Grief

Are you frustrated by trying to live your life as defined by others?  Have you ever been pushed to the point of suicide or felt totally adrift in the pain of grief?  Listen to Portia Booker’s story of navigating a toxic work environment followed by her mother’s death and how she found grace in her…

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Say “No” Like It’s Your Job!

Do you struggle with people-pleasing?  Is it hard for you to say “No?”  Listen to Jennifer Schwytzer’s story of using boundaries to reduce stress, honor her own opinions, and extend kindness to herself. https://kindfulnesscoaching.com Check out this episode!

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Vision Boards, Comedy, and Motivational Firewood

Do you feel stuck, discouraged, or hopeless?  Listen to Steve Gamlin’s experience of losing his job, relationship, home, and financial stability.  Find out why his phoenix rides a pogo stick and how he found inspiration and motivation to rise from the ashes. https://www.SteveGamlin.com Check out this episode!

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Transforming Trauma: Interview with Marshall Zweig

Have you experienced trauma and feel there is no way out?  Listen as Marshall Zweig, a survivor of sexual, emotional, and psychological traumas, speaks about his transformational journey through manipulation and gaslighting to forgiveness and love. https://marshallzweig.com Check out this episode!

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Journey In My Body: Interview with Rachel Lavin, author of “The Doughnut Diaries”

Do you simultaneously love and hate your body?  Have you lost the directions to the Land of Body Positivity?  Listen as Rachel Lavin talks about her 3 Pillars of Fitness:  Nourishment, Movement, and Rest. https://rachellavinwellness.com https://a.co/d/81OfR6t Check out this episode!

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Change Is Possible! Dai Manuel and the Five F’s

Dai Manuel shares his journey from obesity and alcohol use struggles to finding resiliency and transformation with his five F’s:  Fitness, Faith, Family, Finances, and Fun. https://www.facebook.com/CoachDaiManuel/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/daimanuel/ https://www.instagram.com/daimanuel/ Check out this episode!

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