
Glass Ceiling Shattered!

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to break loose from generations of family patterns and abuse?  Are you feeling discouraged by those around you and doubt your own potential?  Listen to Dr. Cindy Starke’s phenomenal journey of intrepid persistence straight through multiple failures, refusing to give up.  Education was her ticket to…

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Change Is Possible! Dai Manuel and the Five F’s

Dai Manuel shares his journey from obesity and alcohol use struggles to finding resiliency and transformation with his five F’s:  Fitness, Faith, Family, Finances, and Fun. Check out this episode!

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From Fragile to Fierce: Rebecca Whitman’s 7 Pillars of Abundance

Do you feel beaten down, hopeless, or lost?  Rebecca Whitman shares her 7 Pillars of Abundance which may help you shift your mindset, make stronger choices, and step into your own power! Check out this episode!

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From Toxic Family to Triumph: Interview With Susan Gold

Susan’s journey begins with a toxic family environment and traverses through alcohol abuse, depression, suicidal ideation, and codependency before culminating in her resilient triumph of finally standing in her own victory and value. Check out this episode!

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Superhuman – Adam Lucero’s Rise From the Ashes

After Adam Lucero was brutally stabbed in a movie theatre he was reduced to the cognitive level of a four year-old.  This is his story of a resilient rise from the ashes and refusal to become a victim. Check out this episode!

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Thriving After Loss: Kim Sorrelle’s Story of the Transformational Power of Love

If you’ve lost someone close to you and can’t imagine moving forward then this episode is for you!  If you have perhaps become confused or jaded about love and wonder if it’s even real then this episode is for you! Resources: Follow Kim

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God’s Voice In Your Life: Interview with Margaret Agard

Do you ever feel lost as if your life has little meaning or direction?  Have you wondered if it’s possible to be more connected with the presence of God?  This episode may help!

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Agape Garcia and Post Traumatic Growth: Triumph Over Domestic Violence

Have you or someone you know been victimized by domestic violence?  Are you scared and feel alone?  Check out this episode!   Check out this episode!

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Victory Over Quadruple Amputation: Interview with Wendy Wallace

Have you ever thought you couldn’t go on?  Did you feel so overwhelmed you saw no way out?  Listen to this episode and how Wendy persevered after having both hands and feet amputated.   Check out this episode!

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Turning Adversity Into Victory: An Interview with Klyn Elsbury

Do you feel as if you can’t win, that the cards are stacked so high against you there isn’t reason to keep going?  Klyn’s story may help you gain strength, resilience, and stubborn courage to forge ahead into victory.   I AM – The Untold Story of Success, by Klyn Elsbury Unstuck Yourself, by Klyn…

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