
Codependency, Boundaries, and Teaching Pigs to Sing

“Don’t try to teach a pig to sing.  It wastes your time and annoys the pig.”  –Mark Twain   Are you wasting your time trying to get someone else to change?  Check out this episode! Check out this episode!

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“You’re Not Alone’ Interview Series: Rodolfo DeAngeli

Rodolfo describes his life-long journey from abandonment, prison-time, homelessness, and suicidal plans to understanding, forgiveness, and peace. Rodolfo’s podcast Life Artists Radio Check out this episode!

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Shampoo Lather and Staying in the “Now”

Do you find yourself rolling around in the past or grinding about the future?  This episode focuses on why we do that, why it isn’t helpful, and how to stay in the “Now.”   Excerpt from How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie (  Check out this episode!

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Pepperonis and Peace

Do your shoulders feel like concrete?  Are your RPMs sky-high even though you’re in park?  Have you lost all hope of being anything other than one big tension ball?  Learn how to finally relax and let go using mindfulness strategies that are fast, simple, and effective. Check out this episode!

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