Month: October 2023

Journey In My Body: Interview with Rachel Lavin, author of “The Doughnut Diaries”

Do you simultaneously love and hate your body?  Have you lost the directions to the Land of Body Positivity?  Listen as Rachel Lavin talks about her 3 Pillars of Fitness:  Nourishment, Movement, and Rest. Check out this episode!

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Change Is Possible! Dai Manuel and the Five F’s

Dai Manuel shares his journey from obesity and alcohol use struggles to finding resiliency and transformation with his five F’s:  Fitness, Faith, Family, Finances, and Fun. Check out this episode!

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Listening To Your Body’s “Voice”: Interview with Falyn Morningstar

Falyn Morningstar connects the dots between sexual trauma, emotional shut-down, insomnia, fatigue, hair loss, and more!  Learn how to shift from disconnection and self-loathing to power and vitality. Check out this episode!

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