
From Victim to Victor: Healing From Abuse

Have you been exploited or taken advantage of so many times you don’t know where you stop and someone else begins?  Listen to Birgitta Visser’s eclectic life journey and how she was finally able to step into her power and set boundaries. https://www.powersoulhealing.com https://a.co/d/9M7MGP5 Check out this episode!

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Transforming body, mind, and spirit: Interview with Jennifer Pilates

Have you experienced trauma?  Do you feel it is holding your body, mind, or spirit hostage?  This episode may help! https://jenniferpilates.com Check out this episode!

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“You’re Not Alone” Interview Series: Dr. Debi Silber – Transforming After Betrayal

Dr. Debi Silber, founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute, discusses the stages of how we can not only survive betrayal but thrive through transformation   https://thepbtinstitute.com From Hardened to Heal, by Dr. Debi Silber Trust Again, by Dr. Debi Silber Check out this episode!

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