
From Suicide Plans to 20 Years as Tony Robbins’ Firewalk Captain: Dave Albin’s Amazing Journey

Have you ever thought you weren’t going to make it, that you didn’t have it in you anymore?  Have you been beaten down by life and your own choices?  Listen to Dave Albin’s honest, transparent, and genuine account of how he went from planning his own death to going on a Tony Robbins’ firewalk then…

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Faith, Fear, or Frustration?

Are you tired of being stuck in fear but don’t know what to do or how to do it?  This episode examines the Apostle Peter and how he was able to walk on water. Check out this episode!

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Transformation and Spiritual Alignment: Interview with Harmony Kwiker

Do you mentally berate yourself?  Does your body feel burdened by anxiety and fear?  Would you like to emerge anew?  This episode may help!   https://thespirituallyaligned.com Reveal:  Embody the True Self Beyond Trauma and Conditioning by Harmony Kwiker Check out this episode!

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Walking On Water, Is It For You?

Do you feel overwhelmed, out of your depth?  This episode may help you find purchase and accomplish what you thought was impossible. Check out this episode!

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The Fear Trap

Are you disabled, weakened, or incapacitated by fear?  This episode may help you to escape the fear trap.       Jawaharlal Nehru quote Holy Bible:  Joshua 1:9, Psalm 23 Check out this episode!

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Surviving Gaslighters and Manipulators

Are you in a maddening relationship you dream of escaping?  Do you frequently second-guess yourself and feel that you may be going crazy?  This episode may help you find your way back to peace and emotional safety.       Charlene Dargay quote from www.Quora.com re gaslighting www.verywellmind.com 11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting from www.psychologytoday.com Check…

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People-Pleasing and the Sticky Rope

Are you caught in a trap of needing to please others to gain acceptance and approval?  This episode may liberate you from that cycle by helping you set healthier boundaries.     Dolly Parton quote The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Check out this episode!

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Pink Elephants In the Room – the High Cost of Avoidance

Are you burdened by issues you can’t or won’t face?  Have you been avoiding your own feelings?  This episode may help you understand the high cost of avoidance. Check out this episode!

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