
“You’re Not Alone” Interview Series: Surviving Divorce

Are you in an abusive marriage?  Do you feel isolated, angry, embarrassed, or ashamed?  Listen to my guest’s story and know you are not alone.     Love Is A Choice by Drs. Robert Hemfelt, Frank Minirth, Paul Meier, Deborah Newman, and Brian Newman A House That Grace Built by Stephanie Tucker Check out this…

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The Martha Syndrome – Part Two

Is your to-do list a mile long?  Are your neck muscles tight as drums as you strive to finish it?  This episode examines how to live a more relaxed and enjoyable life.     Bible, Luke 10: 38-42  Check out this episode!

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Life and Death, Blessings and Curses

Life is full of ups and downs, pros and cons, hope and despair.  This episode may help you make better choices on your journey. Check out this episode!

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Walking On Water, Is It For You?

Do you feel overwhelmed, out of your depth?  This episode may help you find purchase and accomplish what you thought was impossible. Check out this episode!

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The Fear Trap

Are you disabled, weakened, or incapacitated by fear?  This episode may help you to escape the fear trap.       Jawaharlal Nehru quote Holy Bible:  Joshua 1:9, Psalm 23 Check out this episode!

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People-Pleasing and the Sticky Rope

Are you caught in a trap of needing to please others to gain acceptance and approval?  This episode may liberate you from that cycle by helping you set healthier boundaries.     Dolly Parton quote The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Check out this episode!

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Pink Elephants In the Room – the High Cost of Avoidance

Are you burdened by issues you can’t or won’t face?  Have you been avoiding your own feelings?  This episode may help you understand the high cost of avoidance. Check out this episode!

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My Anxiety Is Eating Me Alive!

Are you caught in a web of “What Ifs?”  Then this episode may help you detach from needless fear and anxiety. Check out this episode!

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Anxiety at Work

Are you overwhelmed at work?  This episode focuses on some helpful coping strategies. Check out this episode!

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