
From Drug Dealer to “Good” Man: The Transformation

Nico Lagan shares his transformational journey from being an addict and drug dealer with no healthy male role models to living a life of faith while being a fearless champion of strong men.  He addresses toxic masculinity and what traits make a “good” man and why. Check out this episode!

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Journey From Addict to Award-Winning Author: Interview with Melanie Yates

Listen as Melanie describes her journey from addiction and codependency to becoming a life coach and award-winning author! Check out this episode!

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Sara Webb: Her Triumphant Journey Through Rape, Addiction, and Coming Out As Gay

Do you have traumas you don’t want to face?  Are you reaching for alcohol, sex, or work to numb the pain?  This episode may help! Instagram @SaraWebbSays   Check out this episode!

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